Costume Hats
Fancy Dress Costume Hats for Adults and Kids
Many of the fancy dress costumes on our website are enhanced by a cute, high quality costume hat. There are so many styles of fancy dress costumes to choose from, and even more styles of hats to go with them! There are swashbuckling pirate costume hats, gorgeous Christmas hats, cowboy costume hats, and sexy fireman costume hats. [more]
A hat atop your head can really let everyone know what you're dressing up as. What's a police officer costume without a police officer costume hat? What's a witch costume without the witch's hat? And what's a musketeer costume without the musketeer hat?
Here at Heaven Costumes, we love hats, and that's why we have such a unique, creative range of adult's character and novelty hats for you to choose from as part of your costume accessories.