The Full 2021 Guide To Halloween 2021… It’s All Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus!
Halloween Costume Ideas 2021
Halloween season is upon us and we can’t wait to celebrate our favourite time of year! The costumes, the special effects makeup, the laughter, the scares, we love it all and we want to help you on your quest finding the perfect Halloween outfit! Whether you're going for horror movie characters like Michael Myers, classic Halloween characters like werewolves and vampires or the perfect couple’s costume, we have you covered! Now, where does our spooky adventure begin? Right here… It’s showtime!
Let’s play a game! Listen carefully now, there are rules… Rules put in place by Jigsaw himself. You must answer all questions truthfully or suffer the consequences… First Question… What’s your favourite scary movie?
One, two, Freddy’s coming for you! Not even your dreams will be safe this Halloween if you stumble across someone dressed in a Freddy Krueger costume, The Nightmare on Elm Street serial killer, will haunt your dreams… But will there be someone to protect you from him? Someone who might take his head off? You know the guy, don’t you? He’ll be the one emerging from Crystal Lake on Halloween! Did you guess Jason? The hockey mask wearing, machete wielding, Friday the 13th killer with a whopping 170 recorded deaths? The most dangerous horror movie guy there is, and we have all the Jason Voorhees costumes to deck you out!
Are you liking our game? Have we named your favourite yet? No? Give us time, we’re feelin’ a little woozy here… And it looks like we’ve got a real serial killer on our hands. He’s one of our favourites, a cult classic. He is Ghostface, and he’s standing right behind you! Just kidding…
Did you hear that? It, it sounds like someone’s laughing… Let’s go over there; it looks like someone’s is down there, in the sewer… Can you see? Argh! It’s Pennywise! Quick! Run! Or you’ll float too!
Wow, that was close! There isn’t much that rattles us anymore. But that one that might haunt us forever! Much like Valak does, you know you can dress as The Nun this Halloween, don’t you? She’s one scary broad and is sure to get you some serious scares!
We're about to wind up the movie section, but there’s one person we’ve missed. The man with the blackest eyes, the devil’s eyes… The king of Halloween, Michael Myers! Happy Halloween, Michael…
So next question? If you aren’t for all the Halloween movie stuff, then what are you dressing up as? A homicidal maniac, you know they look just like everyone else, don’t you? No? How about the classics? After all… A true classic never goes out of style!
A thick fog lines the trees. Something lurks in the darkness, watching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Something of legend, a soulless creature with one thing on its mind… blood! The truest classic of them all a vampire! Could you get a more perfect outfit than that of a vampire costume for All Hallows Eve? We’re not sure, but we do have a few more options up our sleeve.
The vampire’s foe, a werewolf, for instance? You could howl under the full moon in a classic werewolf costume! Or one of those undead cemetery guys? What do you call them again? Oh that’s right zombies, a zombie costume is a great idea! You can transform any costume you like into a zombie with a little FX makeup! What about zombie Disney Princess? Zombie hippie? Zombie flapper? Or even a zombie cheerleader! Your undead options are endless!
Speaking of undead… What about undead without skin? Skeleton costumes are a fantastic Halloween costume idea! Or undead with skin and wrapped up? A mummy costume could win you best dressed! What about the ultimate undead? The one who steals souls, is a Grim Reaper costume your style? What about sometimes dead, sometimes alive, sometimes resurrected? With magic.. Witch costumes or wizard costumes are as classic as you can get!
Still stuck? Let’s go into the water then… The deep dark reaches of the ocean where the sirens and mermaids control the sea, downing ships and leading pirate crews to their watery graves! Left to haunt ghost ships for eternity.

Wow, that got a little morbid… let’s bring this blog back to life, hey? We need some laughs, some super scary terrifying laughs. You don’t want to go here, do you? We have to put them on the list; they have to get a mention; we know they aren’t liked but someone always wants to wear a scary clown costume!
Had enough yet? We aren’t quite done, it’s just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right! Right into couples costumes, of course! Let’s do the time warp again. The Rocky Horror Picture Show costumes will surely take the crown for best dressed couples costumes this year! Or will there be a surprise winner?
After all, the ghost with the most and his babe might want the crown? Transform into everyone’s favourite pin striped demon Beetlejuice and Lydia, his bride to be. Make sure you don’t say his name three times though! He might cause you some trouble if you do!
Not having any luck? What about the lovers? Morticia and Gomez Addams? Frankenstein and his bride? Cleopatra and Marc Antony? The Flintstones, Fred and Wilma Flintstone or Betty and Barney Rubble? And we can’t forget The Joker and Harley Quinn!

Still struggling? We’ve still got a few up our sleeve! What about a priest and nun costume? Or a priest and Regan from the exorcist? What an excellent day Halloween will be for an exorcism… If we’re lucky, the devil might make an appearance with an angel on his arm!
With all this death, destruction and haunting on the cards, we might need a few of the good guys on the streets for safety reasons! The Ghostbusters can keep the ghosts at bay and for all the other troublemakers, we have the Scooby Gang! They’re ready and rearing to unmask the worst of the worst when it comes to spooky season!
We hope we’ve helped to give you some ideas for a Halloween costume this year! To wrap things up we want to leave you with some of our favourite new additions to the Heaven Costumes range!
One last thing before we go, we love to see all of your Halloween costumes and creations so don’t forget to tag us in your pictures and videos @heavencostumes using the hashtag #heavencostumeshalloween for a chance to be featured on our social media accounts and our website!
We do wish that we could chat longer… But we’re having an old friend for dinner..
Until next year…