How did Halloween start and why?
Halloween is one of the most popular holidays on the planet. Millions of people worldwide celebrate with Halloween costumes, candy, and parties. But how did Halloween start? And why do we celebrate it? Read on to learn more about this spooky holiday!
The Celts celebrated the new year on November 1.
The Celts believed the souls of the dead would return to earth on October 31. The festival was named Samhain (pronounced sow-in), and it was believed that on this day, the border between our world and the afterlife was at its thinnest point. The Celts celebrated their new year on November 1, and they believed that evil spirits were more likely to return if they weren't properly buried. They also felt that crops wouldn't grow unless certain rites were performed.
The ancient Romans had a similar celebration called "Feralia," which took place around May 21 each year in honor of their goddess Ceres (the goddess of grain). Feralia marked the end of summer and harvest season when farmers protected their fields by burning weeds left behind after harvesting them into piles known as "feralia."
The Celts believed that the dead returned to Earth on October 31.
The ancient Celts believed that the dead returned to Earth on October 31. They believed that spirits and ghosts roamed the earth on this day. The Celts also believed that the souls of their ancestors were wandering around, looking for food and shelter in their homes.
The Celts even believed that witches were about on Halloween night, casting spells with black magic and casting evil spells upon those who did not respect them or pay homage to them.
As Celtic society became Christianized, it merged its traditions with All Saints' Day.
As Celtic society became Christianized, it merged its traditions with All Saints' Day. The Catholic Church tried to replace Halloween with All Saints' Day on November 1 and All Souls' Day on November 2. But the people continued to celebrate these holidays as they always had, and the church eventually gave up trying to impose its own religious views on them.
American immigrants brought Halloween to America.
You may have heard the story of how Halloween began, but here's the short version: It was brought to America by Irish immigrants.
The first recorded use of the word "Halloween" was in 1786, when it appeared on a sign advertising a masquerade party held on October 31 —which was probably one of the first intentional Halloween costume parties. The event was thrown by some wealthy Englishmen who hoped to celebrate both their own culture and that of the local Irish community.
When American children began dressing up in Halloween outfits for trick-or-treating in the early 20th century, they were doing so as ghosts and witches—and they were doing it in honor of Samhain, an ancient Celtic holiday that marked the end of summer with bonfires and feasts by burning animal sacrifices (yum).
Today we know Halloween as a big deal because it evolved into something else entirely over time — a popular holiday where people wear Halloween outfits from all kinds of genres (including superheroes!) and put up spooky Halloween decorations on their homes.
How Halloween came to Australia.
Halloween was brought to Australia by Irish immigrants in the 1800s. The first official Halloween celebration in Australia took place in Castlemaine, Victoria, in October 1858.
Halloween has always been a spooky time. As mentioned above, the veil is thin between the mortal world and the supernatural. Caledonian Societies across Australia held grand balls each year to mark Halloween in the 1850s.
Now, celebrations happen all over Australia, have you experienced Halloween Melbourne style? It’s too fun.
Halloween has become big business.
Halloween has become big business. Halloween costumes, Halloween decorations, and candy are big business. Halloween is a holiday that is celebrated by people of all ages. Halloween has become a significant part of many cultures.
This year, Halloween 2022 date falls on a Monday! Many people will be celebrating Halloween 2022 on the weekend prior, however.
Halloween is a bit mysterious and a lot of fun!
Halloween is a time when we can celebrate the dead, remember loved ones who have passed away, dress up and pretend to be someone else for the day or night, and put up Halloween decorations. Do you have your Halloween 2022 costume yet? If not, take a look at our extensive, spooky collection of Halloween outfits!