Heaven Costumes Guide To Special FX Makeup
Heaven Costumes Ultimate Guide To Special Effects Makeup!
Halloween is slowly creeping up on us, and that means it’s finally time for us to delve into the wonderful world of SFX makeup! We’re here to help you bring your spooky visions to life or death if you’d prefer… We’ll cover everything you need to know about bloods, liquid latex, spirit gum, prosthetics, FX transfers, temporary tattoos, fang application and face paints. Are you ready to jump down the rabbit hole? Let’s get started!
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Special FX Bloods
When it comes to Halloween, blood seems to be on everyone’s mind! Whether you're adding a little to the side of your mouth and transforming into a vampire or smothering yourself in it, there’s undoubtedly a specific blood you should use to give yourself the most realistic effect! To take the guesswork out of it, we’ll take you through some of our tips and tricks for adding blood to your Halloween costume this year. Are you ready to get bloody?
Squirt Blood and Tinsley Blood FX
The only bloods that will dry in time for your Halloween party! This blood is the thinnest of all the fake bloods on the market, it has an almost water like consistency allowing for quick drying time. This blood generally comes in two different shades that can be used for different applications. Squirt blood is ideally used to create blood splatter and blood drips on clothing and your face. It will run like real blood but also dry down to an almost crusty consistency. Comes in two different shades, giving you different colour payoff for different looks.
Arterial Squirt Blood
This squirt blood is incredibly bright and will stand out in photography (which is just what you want when it’s spooky season!).
Venous Squirt Blood
This squirt blood is much darker and when it dries, it almost looks black! Fantastic for a bloody zombie look, as you can make it super creepy and weathered!
Tinsley Blood FX
This blood is next level when it comes to special effects bloods. One of the most realistic looking bloods on the market! Ideal for wounds, drips and smears. Blood dries down but holds its shine giving an extremely realistic appearance. No staining, no transferring and easily washed off with water.
Check out the YouTube video below on the Tinsley Blood FX application!
Blood Splatter
So this product is essentially the spray bottle version of squirt blood! So all the above information applies to this Halloween must have! Bright red and stored in a spray bottle to give you complete control when creating blood splatter effects. Press the bottle fast to give a delicate mist of blood or press down slowly in a single motion to create realistic blood drips. If you’ve ever wanted to stage a crime scene, then this product is a must have!
Stage Blood
Wanting to put blood in your mouth? This is the one you need! Non-toxic, thick and syrupy, just like honey! Stage blood is the blood you see in the movies. It’s incredibly realistic and perfect for vampire and serial killer costumes alike. Being a non-toxic blood, this is the ONLY blood that can be used safely for mouth effects. You will generally find most versions of stage blood have a different taste, some peppermint, some cinnamon, and some are sweet like sugar, making them ideal for filling blood capsules. A true blood red colour, stage blood will not dry and it will continue to stay sticky and glossy. It is the preferred blood for stage performances and movie sets as it looks so realistic!
3D Blood Gel
This one might get us in hot water! Just kidding… But you’ll need some to help this blood come to life! This super thick gel blood comes solid, that’s right! The hot water is to melt this gelatine based product. Comes in a true blood red colour but also available in a clear or beige colour too. This product can be used to create 3D face effects! 3D blood drips and burn simulations are great options.
Scab Blood
She’s thick! Scab blood has a super thick, almost jelly like consistency and will give you the most realistic and scabby wound. This blood doesn’t dry down, but that’s not a bad thing. It keeps its integrity by staying a little sticky to the touch! Deep dark red, used for realistic wounds and prosthetics to create thick scabbing in bloody applications. Scab blood will not run and stays in the place you put it (it does what it’s told!). This blood also doesn’t set and will continue to stay tacky, giving it a realistic appearance.
Coagulated Blood
If there was ever a blood that was going to win an award, this one would take first place every single time! Super thick with a gel like texture, this blood is scab bloods best buddy, and we can’t recommend it more! Ideal for any special effects wound you could imagine; this blood will take your Halloween costume from 1 to 100 with little effort! Super dark red, this blood will not dry, it will stay sticky, allowing it to stand out from the crowd. Although it doesn’t dry, this blood creates incredibly realistic wounds and is one of the preferred mediums for special effects makeup.
Check out the YouTube video below for the application on the different types of bloods!
Special FX Adhesives
Now that we have the bloody side of things covered, we need to jump into the different special effects adhesives! These products can be used for multiple makeup applications and range from full wound creation to adhering prosthetics. Have you guessed where we’re going with this? If you guessed liquid latex and spirit gum, then you're right!
Liquid Latex
This product is without a doubt one of the easiest special effects makeup mediums for beginners to use. The product itself can be used for multiple application processes and it can even help you create prosthetics from scratch! The first and most important thing to know about latex is it stinks! So work in a well ventilated area! Second, disposable tools and applicators are essential. Why? Because when latex dries it can be impossible to remove and will destroy your expensive makeup brushes. What does it look like? Latex is thick and creamy in its liquid state but dries to a rubbery and somewhat sticky skin like texture. The product generally comes in three different colours, clear, skin toned and even zombie grey. What can you do with it? Change your skin texture (old age or zombie makeup stippling), create fake wounds (cuts, abrasions, burns and skin tares), home made prosthetics (you can build literally anything), stick down and blend prosthetics and bald caps. Latex allows for multiple variations in the application process. The use of household items such as cotton balls, tissues and even coffee (for burns) can aid in wound creation. Liquid latex can be layered, but it is essential that if you are layering it, you allow the first layer to dry completely. This will help to prevent tearing on the skin. Once your latex dries it will continue to be sticky. Setting the latex with a loose powder is essential before painting over it or adding bloods. This will stop any potential tears in your work. You can paint over liquid latex with anything you like, including water activated, cream based, grease based and even foundation products.
Once painted, you can also add blood to the look to simulate realistic wound effects. Latex can be removed easily by carefully pulling it off your skin (don’t rip it off or you may damage your skin), if the latex has been used on a large surface some warm soapy water can help with loosening it and peeling it off easier.
Check out the YouTube video below for a liquid latex how-to!
Spirit Gum and Remover
Versatile and widely used, spirit gum is a go to product in the special effects world. This adhesive will provide superior grip for prosthetics, glue down your wig, turn you into the devil with some prosthetic horns and stay on your face forever if you don’t follow the instructions for removal! That’s right, you do actually need spirit gum remover to remove this product! The clear skin safe solvent base and resin formula creates a super sticky base for special effects makeup applications. You can apply prosthetics, for example, noses or ears, stick down wigs, apply facial hair like beards and moustaches all with the one product. The application process for spirit gum is different from other mediums, and it is important to follow the instructions on the packaging of the particular brand of spirit gum you are using. Using the product incorrectly can result in poor performance and disappointing results when using this product. In relation to prosthetics and which ones can be used with spirit gum as the adhesive, there are a few rules to follow: Latex, foam latex, vinyl or plastic based prosthetics are fine to use. Silicone and gelatine aren’t so great. Silicone will generally require something that has a stronger hold and gelatine will dissolve with the addition of the spirit gum. Apply spirt gum by smoothing a thin layer on the skin. Less is more when it comes to this product. Too much will not make a prosthetic adhere stronger. Once the spirit gum dries a little and becomes tacky, then adhere the prosthetic. Spirit gum needs to be removed with a special spirt gum remover (generally they are sold together) if the remover is not used the residue of the spirit gum will stay on the skin.
Checkout the YouTube video below for a spirit gum how-to!
SFX Prosthetics
Now we can apply blood and have the adhesives covered. We need to cover the things we can stick to our face and body! That’s right, prosthetics, FX transfers and temporary tattoos! Each of these have different applications, but once they’re applied, they can completely transform your Halloween makeup look! The options are endless when it comes to special effects: prosthetics, you can turn into a zombie with a full-face appliance, create a small wound on your arm or lengthen your nose to transform into a witch! Let’s break down the types of prosthetics you may come across…
Latex Prosthetics
Latex based prosthetics are the most common prosthetics that you will come across. Most of the pre-made wounds and prosthetics that you see are made from latex. They can tend to be a little thick around the edges so they will require some blending and filling in. This can be done simply with the aid of liquid latex. Customize your prosthetic with bloods and face paints.
Check out the YouTube video below on how-to apply a latex prosthetic!
Foam Latex Prosthetics
An incredible and super lightweight prosthetic to wear! Foam latex allows for movement and skin breathability. Foam latex is delicate so we do recommend using a gentle hand when applying it. Due to the delicate nature, foam latex generally doesn’t survive removal and will tear. Apply simply with the aid of adhesive, such as liquid latex or spirit gum. Foam latex is much like a sponge, so before painting we do recommend using a castor sealer on the prosthetic prior to application - this will stop the foam latex from sucking in the colour. Customize your prosthetic with bloods and cream or grease based face paints.
Check out the YouTube video below on how-to apply a foam latex prosthetic!
Silicone Prosthetics
Ideal for prosthetics, silicone is flexible, translucent, blend able and super realistic! Adhere with a silicone adhesive or Tinsley Acrylbond. The edges of a silicone prosthetic can be easily blended with the use of acetone. It literally melts away (use sparingly though, it can severely dry out the skin). Customize your prosthetic with bloods and alcohol activated paints.
Gelatine Prosthetics
The heaviest of all the prosthetic mediums to wear, gelatine isn’t as widely used as its counterparts. If you do come across a gelatine prosthetic, they can generally be applied with the use of a silicone adhesive (spirit gum will melt the prosthetic). Customize your prosthetic with bloods and grease based or alcohol activated paints.
Tinsley 3D FX Transfer Prosthetics
Easy to use, realistic, latex free, no adhesive needed and super gory! What more could you want for Halloween? An absolute favourite here at Heaven Costumes, the Tinsley FX Transfer is a superior product! (and super easy to use) When we say no adhesive, we mean no adhesive. These incredible FX transfers apply with water just like a temporary tattoo! You simply remove the prosthetic from the packaging, peal the plastic back and place the prosthetic down on to the white adhesive paper – this is the most important step! Once this is done, you can press down outwards from the prosthetic to remove any air bubbles, cut the section you want to apply, then remove the final layer of plastic. Once this is done, press the prosthetic into the skin, soak the white paper in water, like you would with a temporary tattoo, with a sponge or something similar. Once the paper is sufficiently wet, it will slip away, leaving you with a perfectly applied prosthetic (if there is any lifting, simply wet your finger and press the prosthetic into your skin). Customize your prosthetic with bloods and face paints.
Check out the YouTube video below on how-to apply a Tinsley 3D FX Transfer!
Temporary Tattoos
Just like when you were a child, special effects temporary tattoos are super simple and easy to use. With an abundance of designs, ranging from wound simulation to full face and classic vintage, your options are endless. Application is a breeze, all you need to do is cut out, place on the skin, soak with water and remove the backing! Simple!
Check out the YouTube video below on how-to apply a temporary tattoo!
Vampire Fangs and Teeth
Wanting to suck some blood on Halloween? Look no further, all you need to know about the applying your fangs safely and correctly awaits below… The first thing is the adhesive, if you purchase Scarecrow Fangs you’ll generally receive putty adhesive with your fangs. Now if you are purchasing a different brand you may need to purchase adhesive, we have two types, fang putty or thermal beads and both have a different process. Scarecrow and Fang Putty Adhesive Included with Scarecrow products are two powder capsules and mixing liquid. For this one, you will need to mix the powder and liquid together to make paste (please follow manufacturers detailed instructions including measurements on the back of your packaging). Ensure chosen tooth is dry and clean of saliva. Fill inside wall of fang with adhesive paste (not in the deep part of the cavity). Push fang onto tooth, locating the best position of the fang, push fang lightly against the front of your tooth. Mixture should squeeze out around the edges into the cracks of your teeth (the more excess you leave the better to ensure a tight grip on the tooth). Hold fang in position for 5 minutes for the mixture to begin the curing process (Don’t start the 2nd fang until the 5 minutes have passed). Leaving the first fang in place follow the same process for the 2nd fang. REMOVE BOTH FANGS AFTER 15 MINUTES CURING TIME! Adhesive continues to cure and harden for 24 hours after initial fitting, fangs CANNOT be worn until the full curing process is complete as they can damage your teeth and get stuck on them! Detailed instructions are included on the packaging.
Check out the YouTube video below on how-to fit Scarecrow brand fangs!
Thermal Beads
First thing to do with the thermal beads is to boil some hot water. Using a heat safe bowl, submerge half of the thermal beads into the boiling water. Leave them to heat until they change from white to clear. While this is happening ensure your tooth is dry and clean of saliva. Remove the beads with a spoon and roll the beads into a thick worm shape and place into the inside wall of the fang. Press firmly up onto your tooth for NO LONGER than ONE MINUTE (this adhesive dries fast and we don’t want the fang stuck on your tooth forever!) Beads should squeeze out around the edges into the cracks of your teeth (the more excess you leave the better to ensure a tight grip on the tooth). This adhesive can be reheated if it dries too quickly or you make a mistake. Once fitted remove fang and let adhesive dry completely (we recommend overnight curing to ensure safety). Repeat process with second fang.
Check out the YouTube video below on how-to fit fangs with thermal beads or putty!
Face and Body Paints
Do you think you’re ready to take on Halloween makeup yet? Or have we missed something? That’s right, we’re sure you're still looking for some face and body painting tips and tricks! What works and what doesn’t? Let’s get into it!
Water Activated Face Paint
Every colour in the rainbow can be created with water activated face paint. The easily mixed painting medium is what professional face painters use. You can customize colours on the go and the colour payoff is incredible. Water activated paint gives you plenty of control with application. You can make the paint as transparent or opaque as you like by adjusting the water to paint ratio. To give this type of paint extra wear time and staying power, it can be activated with a makeup setting spray. Super quick drying time. Water activated face paint will set in a matter of seconds. Can be applied using sponge or paint brush. Numerous colour options and face painting palettes available.
Cream Based Face Paint
No need to activate this face paint, it’s literally paint and go! The water based makeup layers up perfectly, allowing you to get full opaque colour payoff with ease. Similarly, to water activated paint, cream paint allows you to mix and customize colours. Cream paint also allows for product layering to give full coverage. Cream paint can also be layered on top of water activated paint to provide realistic and smooth highlights to makeup looks. Best applied with a dry makeup sponge and set with a loose setting powder.
Grease Based Face Paint
Grease paint is an oil based product that gives you vibrant colours that are high coverage, high pigment and extremely durable! Mixing and customizing colours with grease paint can be a little more work but it can be done. Simply mix on the back of your hand (the warmth will help with mixing). Great for sheer coverage. Adding multiple layers will not allow for the product to be set. It is essential that this product is set with a loose setting powder to avoid smudging. Best applied with a dry makeup sponge and set with a loose setting powder.
Now that you’ve got all the basics down, we think it’s time for you to head out on your own and start creating! But first, there’s one last thing we need from you… If you create creepy characters and dress up this year, please tag us @heavencostumes in your photos so we can re-share your hard work!