Kid's Costumes Guide
Kid's Costumes Galore!
Kid's costumes are available in a huge variety of themes and characters so your child can dress up according to their favourite tv show or movie, favourite superhero, princess, animal, you get the gist!
Boys and girls kid's costumes don't have to cost you an arm and a leg! We know how excited little tackers can get when it comes to ‘rough and tumble' play time. We also know you don't want to be handing over a small fortune for an outfit that'll be full of dirt, tomato sauce, sticky ice-blocks and possibly even boogers by tea time! The kid's costumes we have in stock are very reasonably priced and (apart from the really, really, really cheap ones) are quite hardy so your mischievous little munchkins can wear them more than once!
Our extensive range of kid's costumes just keeps getting bigger and bigger and better! You'll find all the coolest and latest officially licensed dress ups including Batman and Batgirl, Spiderman, Superman, Minnie and Mickey Mouse, Disney Princesses, Toy Story, The Avengers, Star Wars, Minions, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Frozen, Super Mario and tons more!
Stopping at just one or two kid's costumes is the tricky part! Go ahead and make sure the costume box is choc-a-block – it'll inspire adventure and make-believe and better still… it'll drag all those tech savvy little humans away from their ipads and tablets for 5 minutes! Supply your mini-me's with all the kid's costumes they need to keep them busy for longer. Here's some more awesome dress up ideas to catch their attention….. police costumes, fire fighters, gladiators, ninjas, fairies, cowboys and Indians, clowns, pirates, princesses, doctors and nurses, animals, fairytales including Alice in Wonderland or Dorothy and Snow White, the list goes on.. and on… and on!
So let's see… we have the basic ‘general' themes of boy's costumes and girl's costumes covered but… there are of course special times of the year where you're going to have to get more specific, and the 3 most obvious ones are Halloween, Book Week and Christmas. Ready to nut this out? Ok let's do it…
Browse Kid's Halloween Costumes
Kid's costumes for Halloween! Whether you're trying to find scary boys Halloween costume ideas or Halloween dress ups for girls, be assured that If they look in a mirror they may even freak themselves out which, let's face it - is hilarious, so buying kid's Halloween costumes is good for your own amusement too!
At Halloween, the kid's costumes you choose for your spooky adventures can include witch costumes, blood sucking vampires, deathly grim reapers, aliens, little devils, scary ghosts and of course terrifying zombies!
Browse Kid's Book Week Costumes
Next is Book Week! Whilst annual Book Week festivities do usually revolve around a set theme for the year – that's not to say you can't bend the rules a bit and grab some book week dress ups for boys and of course book week costumes for girls, that everyone's happy with, to lead the parade at school! Typical Book Week costume ideas for kids may include fairytale, nursery rhyme or storybook themes including Robin Hood, Wizard of Oz characters, Harry Potter and of course the infamous Where's Wally – the King of books! The majority of our kid's costumes can easily be worn as Book Week dress up ideas so your child can strut their stuff – although we probably would recommend thinking twice about anything totally gross or creepy… we don't want the kindy kids to have nightmares!
Then there's Christmas! The time of year when the big bellied, jolly man in the red suit splurges and creates much anticipated mythical and magical feelings in the hearts of youngsters! Supplying kid's costumes for Christmas can be two-fold – you can either wrap up their favourites for under the tree or wear them for organised celebrations or plays! Our fabulous collection of kid's Christmas costumes for the latter include cute little elves, Santa Claus suits, nativity characters such as angels and wise men plus many other styles in red, green and white!
Now you may need to de-cobweb the costume box, and you may have a messy lounge room to tend to later, but to all the doting mums and dads, grandparents, uncles and aunties out there – there you have it! The ins and outs of kid's costumes to help inspire worldly adventures in the imaginations of our most prized creations – our children!
By Costume Pro 2021© Copyright Heaven Costumes Pty Ltd
All text and images on this website are the property of Heaven Costumes Pty Ltd. Copying of our text or images without our express permission is illegal.